Funny. When I finally started writing personal essays in a way to be shared and also working different bits for stage I kept telling myself i should wait until certain people die before sharing. But, then I realized that I could die tomorrow or they may live forever. So, what’s the point in waiting? It was advice from listening to and reading Anne Lamott where she simply says, “Every story you own is yours. If people wanted you to write more warmly about them, they should’ve behaved better.” We have all been the victim and the abuser, the hunter and the hunted, we all have a hero’s journey.

Thanks for making this newsletter.

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Sometimes I think about it this way: It's not about should or shouldn't...it's about is it true or not.

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Which can be cloudy. Some people have their own version of the truth from their perspective. Sometimes emotions can cause us to remember things differently and some of us have better memories than others. While some people out there enjoy making shit up. Getting to the truth in any story is always the most interesting part. Even when/if we don’t like it.

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